Tenders register

Reference Number Title Closing date Contract awarded to Value
RFT 13-17/18 Wickham Squash Courts Refurbishment 18 Oct 18 Mitie Construction Pty Ltd
RFT 01-18/19 Tree Pruning 12 Oct 18 Lockwright Holdings Pty Ltd (North West Tree Services)
EOI 04-18/19 Welcome Park Public Art 12 Sep 18 NO ACCEPTABLE TENDERERS
RFT 02-18/19 Sweeping of Roads, Paths, Pavements and Specialised Cleaning 12 Sep 18 Contract 1 - Street Sweeping
Cleanaway Waste Management

Contract 2 - Specialised Cleaning
Blue Hat T/A Damel Cleaning Services
RFT 42-17/18 Dampier Palms - Public Art Commission 29 Aug 18 ACCEPTABLE TENDERERS
1. Engage Create Connect
2. Johanna Hoyne
3. Perina & Domahidy
RFT 38-17/18 Karratha Water Tanks Art Activation Commission 18 Jul 18 NO ACCEPTABLE TENDERERS
RFT 40-17/18 Red Earth Arts Precinct Liquor Contract 25 Jun 18 NO TENDERS RECEIVED
RFT 36-17/18 Sweeping of Roads, Paths, Pavements and Specialised Cleaning 24 May 18 Tender Number discontinued
RFT 35-17/18 Lease of the Wickham Early Learning Centre 23 May 18 One Tree Community Services
RFT 22-17/18 Minor works - Plumbing 18 May 18 Dampier Plumbing and Gas Pty Ltd
RFT 34-17/18 Sewer main extension - Roebourne Cultural Centre 14 May 18 Karratha Contracting Pty Ltd
RFT 37-17/18 Installation of Solar Pedestrian Lighting 08 May 18 Leethall Constructions Pty Ltd
RFT 30-17/18 Provision of Vehicle Towing 20 Apr 18 Roebourne Dingo Hire
RFT 32-17/18 Pam Buchanan Family Centre Community Module Facility Management 11 Apr 18 TENDER NOT AWARDED
RFT 33-17/18 Hearson's Cove - Design and Construct New Toilet Block 06 Apr 18 Karratha Contracting Pty Ltd
RFT 31-17/18 Hearson's Cove Replacement Shade Structures 16 Mar 18 Trasan Contracting Pty Ltd
RFT 28-17/18 HR Software 14 Mar 18 IN PROGRESS
RFT 19-17/18 Point Samson Viewing Platform 21 Feb 18 Trasan Contracting Pty Ltd
RFT 26-17/18 Cleaning Services 08 Feb 18 1. Blue Hat Group T/A Damel Cleaning Services
2. Denniston Basset Holdings T/A Shelf Cleaning Services
Dampier Community Hub NOT AWARDED
RFT 25-17/18 Wickham and Karratha Dune Rehab 07 Feb 18 Frogmat Landscape Construction

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