
Becoming an Australian Citizen is an important and memorable occasion. The City of Karratha hosts ceremonies throughout the year to help you complete your citizenship process.

City of Karratha Citizenship Ceremonies will be held at the Red Earth Arts Precinct on the following days this year:

  • Friday 19 April at 2.00pm
  • Wednesday 24 July at 2.00pm
  • Friday 18 October at 2.00pm
  • Sunday 24th January 2025 at 3pm

For enquiries on your ceremony date or for updates on the progress of your citizenship application, please email or call the Department of Home Affairs on 13 18 80. 

Becoming an Australian Citizen  

The legal status of Australian Citizen carries the right to: 
•    Vote and elect Australia's governments. 
•    Apply for appointment to any public office or to nominate for election as a member of parliament. 
•    Apply for an Australian passport and to leave and re-enter the country without a visa. 
•    Seek assistance from Australian diplomatic representatives while overseas. 
•    Apply to enlist in the defence forces and apply for government jobs requiring Australian citizenship. 
•    Register a child born to you overseas after you become an Australian citizen, as an Australian citizen by descent. 

The Department of Home Affairs website offers more information on the citizenship process.

Your citizenship ceremony  

Australian citizenship ceremonies for residents are held at the Red Earth Arts Precinct. They have an important symbolic and legal role as you are officially welcomed as an Australian Citizen.
This is a formal part of the citizenship process with a person becoming an Australian citizen on the date he or she attends the citizenship ceremony and makes the Pledge of Commitment to Australia. 

Applying for Australian Citizenship 

Citizenship applications are managed by the Department of Home Affairs. The City of Karratha cannot assist with applications for Australian Citizenship. For information on eligibility and how to apply please contact the Department. 

Phone: Citizenship Information Line 131 880 
Visit: Wellington Central, 836 Wellington Street, West Perth WA 6005 
Postal: Locked Bag 7, Northbridge WA 6865 


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