Tenders register

Reference Number Title Closing date Contract awarded to Value
RFT 29-15/16 Provision of Visitor Information Services for the City of Karratha (EOI) 15 Jul 16 Karratha Visitor Centre
RFT 28-15/16 Irrigation System Upgrade 01 Jun 16 Waterlink - Noble Pty Ltd
RFT 27-15/16 Karratha Golf Course Irrigation Storage Tank 25 May 16 Cobey Projects Pty Ltd
RFT 25-15/16 Minor Works - Air Conditioning 18 May 16 Burke Air Pty Ltd
RFT 26-15/16 Minor Works - Plumbing 18 May 16 PANEL
RFT 23-15/16 KACP Early Works Theatre Package 04 May 16 HME Services Pty Ltd
RFT 22-15/16 Karratha Works Depot Minor Construction Improvements 30 Mar 16 Karratha Contracting Pty Ltd
RFT 12-15/16 Wickham Bistro - Management & Operation 30 Mar 16 Haybar Pty Ltd
RFT 20-15/16 Karratha Foreshore - Searipple Node 23 Mar 16 Ertech Holdings Pty Ltd
RFT 19-15/16 Karratha Works Depot - Equipment Wash Down Area Construction 16 Mar 16 Karratha Contracting Pty Ltd
RFT 18-15/16 Shade Structure Construction 09 Mar 16 South Coast Building Co WA
RFT 14-15/16 "Dune Revegetation and Fencing - Pt Samson - Miller Close 09 Mar 16 Yurra Pty Ltd
RFT 15-15/16 Airside Infrastructure Upgrade 23 Feb 16 Aerodrome Management Services P/L
RFT 17-15/16 Karratha Back Beach - Ramp, Jetty and Carpark rebuild 23 Feb 16 Ertech Holdings Pty Ltd
RFT 10-15/16 Dampier Foreshore Works - Stage 1 Shark Cage Beach & Hampton Oval Movie Screen 17 Feb 16 BGC Contracting Pty Ltd
RFT 09-15/16 Design and Construct Pedestrian Bridges 09 Dec 15 Xelerator Pty Ltd T/A KBSS Engineering
RFT 04-15/16 Cleaning Service Delivery 02 Dec 15 Delron Cleaning Pty Ltd
RFT 11-15/16 Karratha Works Depot - Proposed Office Building Expansion 25 Nov 15 Slavin Architect PTY LTD
RFT 07-15/16 Pt Samson Foreshore - Stage 1 Millars Close 11 Nov 15 Timik Developments Pty Ltd
RFT 02-15/16 Housing Refurbishment - Wet Areas 14 Oct 15 Trasan Contracting Pty Ltd

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