Tenders register

Reference Number Title Closing date Contract awarded to Value
RFT 08-14/15 Karratha Airport - Flight Information Displays (FID) and Advertising Tender 05 Nov 14 S&K Investments Pty Ltd trading as WA Billboards
RFT 09-14/15 Wickham Community Hub Project Architect  22 Oct 14 Gresley Abas Pty Ltd
RFT 05-14/15 Bulgarra Public Open Space Stage 2 - Landscape Construction and Minor Demolition 15 Oct 14 Environmental Industries Pty Ltd
RFT 07-14/15 Rental Car Concessions - Karratha Airport  15 Oct 14 CLA Trading Pty Ltd trading as Europcar
RFT 03-14/15 Karratha Back Beach Feasibility Study Consultancy Brief 08 Oct 14 BMT JFA Consultants Pty Ltd
RFT 06-14/15 7 Mile Landfill Facility Redevelopment Refubishment of Transportable Building 01 Oct 14 Savannah Engineers (WA) Pty Ltd
RFT 04-14/15 Bulk Diesel Fuel tank - 7 Mile 03 Sep 14 Fuelfix Pty Ltd
RFT 01-14/15 Golf Course Superintendent for the Karratha Golf Course 13 Aug 14 Turf Whisperer
RFT 14-14/15 DISCONTINUED - Storm Water Upgrades DISCONTINUED
RFT 02-17/18 International Charter Flights TENDER DISCONTINUED
RFT 05-17/18 The Quarter - Strata & Property Management Services RFT NUMBER DISCONTINUED
RFT 29-16/17 Destination Marketing Services REFER RFT 27-17/18
RFT 14-17/18 Millstream Rd Pedestrian Bridge D&S Wells (WA) Pty Ltd
RFT 29-17/18 Mooligunn Road Reconstruction TENDER DISCONTINUED
EOI 18-19/20 Water Tanks Mural Artwork EOI DISCONTINUED
RFT 39-16/17 KTA Replace Chiller IN PROGRESS
RFT 10-16/17 Karratha Arts & Community Precinct IT & Cable QA Services TENDER DISCONTINUED

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