Tenders register

Reference Number Title Closing date Contract awarded to Value
RFT 12-19/20 Housing Project Management Services 11 Dec 19 APP Corporation Pty Ltd $250,000.00
RFT 04-19/20 Grounds Maintenance Eastern Areas (Point Samson, Wickham and Roebourne) 04 Dec 19 Yurra Pty Ltd $1,762,673.35
RFT 03-19/20 Dampier Jetty Reconstruction 27 Nov 19 TENDER NOT AWARDED
RFT 08-19/20 Lift upgrade 14 Nov 19 Octagon Lifts $256,960.00
RFT 05-19/20 Dampier Community Hub Community Module Management 12 Nov 19 Dampier Community Association $225,000.00
RFT 02-19/20 Sports Lighting Wickham AFL 16 Oct 19 Coral Coast Electrical $362,615.58
RFT 43-18/19 Pest Control Services 05 Sep 19 ROL WA Pty Ltd t/a Allpest
RFT 41-18/19 Eastern Corridor Litter, Sanitation and Waste Transfer Station Resourcing Tender 19 Aug 19 Brida Pty Ltd
RFT 44-18/19 Pre Cyclone Bulk Green Waste Verge Collection 09 Aug 19 D&M Waste Management t/as T C Waste 
RFT 42-18/19 Liquid Waste (including Effluent and Grease Trap) Pump-out Services & Maintenance 25 Jul 19 Nielsen Liquid Waste Pty Ltd
RFT 40-18/19 Wickham Recreation Precinct Pool Upgrade 10 Jul 19 Prestige Projects Group Pty Ltd Atf Prestige Projects Trust T/A Tropical Pools
RFT 19-18/19 Wickham Recreation Precinct Design & Construct 19 Jun 19 TENDER NOT AWARDED
RFT 32-18/19 Sports Lighting Improvements 19 Jun 19 Ausolar Pty Ltd
RFT 39-18/19 Supply and delivery of liquor to Red Earth Arts Precinct 14 Jun 19 Karratha International Hotel
RFT 36-18/19 Roundabout Landscaping 12 Jun 19 NO TENDERS RECEIVED
RFT 38-18/19 Provision of Litter Collection and Sanitation Services  20 May 19 Blue Hat Group Pty Ltd T/A Damel Cleaning Service
RFT 34-18/19 Point Samson Viewing Platform Landscaping and Revegetation 03 May 19 TENDER NOT AWARDED
RFT 26-18/19 Karratha Airport Parking Group Transport Operations and Management 01 May 19 Point Parking Pty Ltd
RFT 35-18/19 Karratha Airport Security Screening and Front of House Services 24 Apr 19 MSS Security Pty Ltd
RFT 33-18/19 Inter-Regional Flights 10 Apr 19 Avair Pty Ltd

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